Wilbrahams’ Warbler Climate Change Awards deadline Extended

The deadline for The Wilbrahams’ Warbler Awards has been extended to Friday morning 17th January.  If your children haven’t entered yet there’s still time.  Have a go!

The editors of the Wilbrahams’ Warbler and the Parish Councils have invited the pupils of the Great Wilbraham Primary School to submit pieces of work for inclusion in the magazine.


What is happening?

What is the cause?

If no action is taken, what changes will happen?

What can be done to slow down or stop the changes?

The pupil’s should include comments/opinions on any or all of these questions, together with any other aspects which you feel are important.

FIELDMICE CLASS              A drawing or poster

SQUIRREL CLASS                A drawing together with about 50 words

HEDGEHOG CLASS            About 150 words and including drawings

BADGER CLASS                   250 words and including drawings

There will be prizes of £20 for the best from each class

The closing date is now Friday morning 17th January 2020