Wilbrahams Vegetable, Flower and Produce Show 2024

The show on Saturday was another triumph for Rosie White and her Team.

Despite the appalling weather this spring, the gardeners, allotmenteers, crafters,
bakers and all of the other entrants produced an amazing array of exhibits for everyone
to enjoy. There were 550 entries in all classes.

Final financial results are not in at the time of writing, but the funds raised for the
Memorial Hall are expected to exceed £1,300 which we believe will be a new record!

Heartfelt thanks are due to all of the individuals, organisations and companies who
provided a wealth of raffle prizes.

Rosie White will be writing a fuller report on the show in the next edition of the Warbler.

Photographs of the day may be seen at:

The winners of the main classes were:-

Best Exhibits

Vegetables      Roger Rayner
Fruit                 Sue Lambton
Flowers            Peter Wilson
Flower              Exhibits Jenny Upton
Children           Lilia O’Ryan


For details of the CupAward  Category and Person awarded please see the attached Initial Report