Wilbrahams Milk Delivery update

For those of you who get milk delivered by Plumbs Dairy –

New information just received.

If you usually have a delivery on BOTH Friday AND Saturday (not just one of those days) it will now be delivered on Fridays only. You will still get the same amount delivered but in one delivery instead of two. So that we don’t drown and phone calls tomorrow please help pass on this information to friends and neighbours! This will be every week from now on until we have our full workforce back.

New information just received.

Dear Customer,

The consolidation of delivery days continues this week and then by the end of this week we SHOULD be finished changing things and this will be the new pattern going forwards. You will get the same amount of milk, just over fewer deliveries so no need to do anything. Please do help us spread the word with friends and neighbours who may not have the internet.

Grab an old bill to find your round number….

2 days a week (either Monday and Friday or Tuesday and Saturday – whichever is closest to your usual delivery days):
Round 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29

3 days a week (Monday, Wed & Fri) –
Rounds 2, 3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19, 24

No deliveries will be made on Thursdays, and fewer on Wednesdays.

If you are a Pay As You Go account holder, your account will still let you place orders on days we don’t deliver as we do not currently have the manpower to adjust every account so please try and find your delivery days in your area before placing an order.

Kind regards,
Justin and Debbie Plumb