Wilbrahams’ Environment Group
We are planning another proper Newsletter to come out during March, so look out for that. Our last event, showing the film “Fugolburna” was a huge success. We are planning several other interesting events for the Spring and Summer, including something where we invite you to join in doing something environmental, rather than sitting down and watching/learning about it.
Litter Picks
This is primarily addressed to our members who live in the three villages of Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom. Sorry: we do not hold the addresses of our members/supporters so cannot identify just our “locals”
On Saturday March 15th we are organising a Litter Pick in Great Wilbraham, starting at 10 am from the Hall and aiming to finish within 90 mins.
Bags, frames for bags, pickers, bright jackets provided and some gloves – but if you have your own suitable gloves please bring them.
We do not need a huge number of volunteers but would love to see you.
If you hope to come along, it would help if you could tell us in advance. We hope to be able to provide some coffee/soft drinks and biscuits!
Little Wilbraham community group is planning a litter pick on the same date and another for Six Mile Bottom for the following Saturday
Best Wishes,
Wilbrahams’ Environment Group