Wilbrahams Covid-19 Evie Chapman

What’s the lockdown meant for an eleven old?  Evie Chapman, of poetic fame (see Summer warbler 2020) tells us about it in this item in our series, Wilbrahams Covid-19. For previous items search on Covid-19.

Martin Gienke

Covid-19 a 11year olds’ point of view

My name is Evie Chapman, I live in Great Wilbraham and go to the primary school in the village. When we were told the Schools were temporarily closing, and lockdown was beginning, I felt confused, a little upset  and worried. I didn’t know what we were going to do about school, and especially our SATS.

The 1st week was ok, but it seemed surreal. The schools were still getting everything in place for home learning. So,  I had time on my hands to get on with my art and craft projects (one of my favourite hobbies). On Thursday, we took part in the  clap for keyworkers, it was nice to see so much support! My mum is also a keyworker,  which made it extra special. She was so pleased to see so much support!

I’ve also enjoyed being home with my dog (Tilly the cavachon) so much,  and being able to have so much free time to get on with the stuff I love doing. Most days, I have completed my school work before lunch, giving me time to enjoy my hobbies, and spend time with my family. I’ve lost count of how many books I’ve read! As well as this, I have been keeping  in touch with my friends by facetime video call, and texting. It is hard not being able to see people face to face, but i’m sure it will all pay off in the end.

Mrs Turner, a TA from school and the village, has also been doing weekly craft packs for the children in the village! It’s been such a nice surprise as each week’s pack is a mystery. For VE Day, she also made a special craft pack, celebrating 75years since the end of World War II.

On VE day, we had a special tea party. I wrote and designed a menu (which was also my school work) and then we prepared all of our food  and sat outside with neighbours, whilst social distancing. It was strange not playing with our friends, but so nice to see people and be in different company.

On one week, my sister and I made a sign with Dad thanking the NHS and keyworkers for their hard work and effort. He fixed it to the side of the house for everyone to see, just outside my bedroom window! Every Thursday, we have been clapping, banging on saucepans with wooden spoons, and shaking maracas at 8 o’clock.

It’s been a strange time, with an abrupt and unusual ending to my time at primary, but brought the community together even more, with everyone helping each other. The world is so much kinder and cleaner now that fewer vehicles are being used. I really hope it stays fresh, clean and kinder, once this is all over and we can see friends and family once more.

Evie Chapman