Wilbraham Winter Wonder Walk 2020
Wilbraham Winter Wonder Walk 2020

The PTFA would like to invite you all to join the Wilbraham Winter Wonder Walk 2020!
On each day from 1st to 24th of December a different house or business will display an advent window. There will be collections for our selected charity Jimmy’s Night Shelter, on some days. Visitors to the windows will be able to record those they have seen on specially designed Advent Sheets which will be distributed free of charge to all houses in both villages.
The advent sheet is also attached as a PDF should you wish to print more.
Prizes will be awarded for:
• Best Window Display (as voted for by participants)!
• Most Number of Windows Visited
• Prize-draw for those who have visited at least seven of the windows.
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who signed up for windows this year and/or donated prizes!
We hope you will all enjoy Wilbraham Winter Wonder Walk 2020!