Report from WRPS AGM

River Conservation Talk

Wildlife Trust Speaker at the Carpenter’s Arms

Siân Williams, Wildlife Trust Conservation Officer
was Guest Speaker at a meeting of
Wilbraham River Protection Society

She gave a very informative talk about the county-wide work of the Wildlife Trust, as well as its work regarding the Wilbraham river

To read an informative report resulting from the AGM of the Wilbraham River Protection Society,(WRPS), please consult the WRPS’ page under Local information – Clubs and societies

The Wilbraham River
Two Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) abut our river – Great Wilbraham Common and Wilbraham Fen and several sections of the river in our two villages are County Wildlife Sites. A haven for a surprising number of endangered species of flora and fauna, including some signs of otters, long stretches of river cross public land and are free for all of us to explore.

Little Wilbraham River rises at The Temple Spring in Great Wilbraham, flowing under the bridge on Wilbraham Road, up onto the Common, across Hawk Mill Farm, continuing on to Quy, Anglesey Abbey and beyond. Its banks provide delightful riverside walks for the enjoyment of local people. Two triple SSSIs abut the river – Great Wilbraham Common and Wilbraham Fens. Part of the river is also a County Wildlife Site.