The Wilbrahams’ Photography Group 25th and 27th Feb

Photography in the Wilbrahams
January 2018 report
Dear All,

It was great to see a few new faces at the January meeting and to view and discuss ‘NIGHT’ photos that members had taken.

The next meeting is on
Tuesday 27th February at 7.30 in The Memorial Hall

so please put that date in your diary. Another date to note is 

Sunday 25th February 2pm – venue Great Wilbraham Church

when everyone that is available meets up to take some photos in and around the church as well as the possibility of other sites around the village. This will be an ideal time to practise your skills and learn from other members. Having a display of village photos at some point would also showcase both the village(s) and our work. Any type of camera, phone or ipad welcome. Don’t feel left out anyone from Little Wilbraham since your turn will come!

If you can’t make 25th Feb do get out and about the villages and take some photos. Any you want showing at the meeting to be sent to Chris Fell (

I’ll send out a reminder about both dates a week or so beforehand but hope to see as many people as possible next month.

December 2017
Sue Lambton has offered to organise the hall bookings for the Camera Club and remind everyone about future meetings (she will drop everyone another email about a week before the next meeting as well)

All dates for the Camera Club, and for any other events come to that, can be found via the Wilbrahams website:

where Trish Davis puts on any dates, information and pictures available to her.

Everyone is very supportive of anyone submitting photos so please do let anyone else that might be interested know this and also that there is even no need to submit photos until you feel able to do so, or that they can just come along and look at some lovely shots. Help and advice is also always available
Some people in the club have fancy cameras, others may use their iPhones, some have vast experience and can help those of us new to taking photos, some are purists with their pictures and others love manipulating them; as you can see, anyone is welcome

Hope you are able to attend the next meeting as well as spreading the word. 

Many thanks,
Sue Lambton

Dear All,

For some reason Ian Cumming’s photos never made it to be viewed at the
last meeting so I am sending a link for you to have a look at his
bonfire/firework photos. Even if you couldn’t make the last meeting
you can now have a look at a professional’s take on the subject and
get inspiration for next year!!

Many thanks to Ian for these shots.


Sue Lambton

Group Leader:
Chris Fell
Chris Fell LRPS
07802 775175
01223 882456

Following a lively discussion on September 12th at the group’s first meeting, it was decided that regular meetings about every six weeks would be good, that we should keep to practical photography, and that we would have a “themed” evening on Tuesday 17 October when we would all show some photos which are associated with Autumn. The Meeting Room is booked for that evening from 7:30 – 9:00pm

Martin Gienke and the editorial board of the Warbler and the village website editors are keen to receive any relevant pictures for publication. Is there a budding journalist amongst you who would like to write a report to the Warbler about the group’s activities?

So, it would be good if as many of you as possible (especially if you are coming on the 17th) were to submit some autumn images by email to me. I will resize them ready for projection, and then project them (anonymously!) and discuss them on the evening.

I suggest that you each submit up to ten photos for discussion. Get out your cameras and look for autumn colours and the season of mellow fruitfulness!
Happy snapping!