Why is Cambridge an innovation cluster? – David Gill – Tuesday 1st Feb 8pm – Know Your Neighbour

It is now largely taken for granted that Cambridge is one of the world’s leading innovation clusters. But this transformation from rural backwater is comparatively recent and nearly did not happen. Despite the sub-region’s remarkable contribution to science, society and the economy, one of the keys to the Phenomenon’s success – its uncoordinated, ‘bottom up’ model – now risks undermining its future as the pressing complexities of growth and increasing sophistication of competitors demand a more strategic approach. David Gill is Managing Director of St John’s Innovation Centre, founded in 1987 as a pioneering home for fast-growing, innovate firms needing a base in Cambridge.

David Gill – Six Mile Bottom
Date: Tuesday 1st February
Time: 8pm

Zoom: https://mrc-lmb-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98495389016?pwd=SWFZeWNuMTFFQjh1RHN1M0ZqSGNQQT09

Meeting ID: 984 9538 9016
Passcode: 591356

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