What is a spike protein and how do we know what it looks like? – Andrew Carter – Tuesday 22nd – 8pm
You have probably seen many illustrations of coronaviruses covered in
spike proteins in the last two years. I will tell you the story behind
the methods used to understand what “spike” and other proteins look
like. We will discuss what this tells us about how they work and how
that is useful. The talk will come from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular
Biology, Cambridge. An institute that perhaps has done more than any other to
develop these approaches.
Andrew Carter – Little Wilbraham
Date: Tuesday 22nd February
Time: 8pm
Zoom: https://mrc-lmb-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/98495389016?pwd=SWFZeWNuMTFFQjh1RHN1M0ZqSGNQQT09
Meeting ID: 984 9538 9016
Passcode: 591356