Well-brahams’ Picnic
The Well-brahams Summer Solstice on Friday 21st June brought mums, children and others together for a delightful
picnic in Great Wilbraham Community Orchard. This is report from one of the children, 8 year old Bethany Fordham.
“It was quite exciting – like an adventure. It was good fun because I swished a bug net and
caught a spider and a tiny snail. I created some bug thumb prints and ate lots of yummy marshmallows.I saw a really big tree and it is quite rare. It is called black poplar. Me and my friends had fun together in the orchard. There are some pears and apples growing. I think we should have another picnic when they are ready to pick in the autumn.”
Summer Solstice Picnic in Great Wilbraham Orchard, by Bethany Fordham
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