Well-brahams’ coffee mornings

We held the third of our coffee mornings last Wednesday. As we anticipated, there were fewer people than previously – we heard that some people were sensibly ‘prioritising’ social events to stay safe before Christmas. Those who came had a lovely time – and, of course, this meant that there was more cake to go round!  Thanks to Karen and Dru, who did a brilliant job brewing the coffee, serving the cakes (and clearing up!) and thanks as well to all the cake makers.


Although not primarily meant to be fundraisers, many people asked if they could make a donation for the coffee morning. We decided that we would like to support Centre33 – a young persons’ mental health charity based in Cambridge. Through the coffee mornings, we raised a total of £65.35, which has now been sent to support the vital work of this charity.

We have thoroughly enjoyed these events and hope that you agree that it has been something to look forward to, a time when you would be able to catch up with friends, have a chat, and ask questions and compare notes about important health and support issues. As coronavirus (COVID 19) comes round again the inevitable topics have included booster vaccinations and how to get lateral flow tests! If we don’t know the answer, we try to find out for you.

We haven’t yet decided whether to continue coffee mornings next year or try another social format – please let us know what you would like.

As the Omicron wave of COVID-19 comes in our direction please stay safe, make sure you have received your vaccinations and follow all the guidance. If you need support or have questions, please ask us. We will aim to keep the website updated on the local situation.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and stay safe.

The Well-brahams