Warbler Spring 2017 Deadline 10th February

The Spring 2017 edition of the Wilbrahams’ Warbler is to be published on 1st March.  We welcome articles, photos, letters to the editor etc. and notification of news items and events from Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham and Six-Mile-Bottom. Or even it’s just an idea, let us know.  The deadline for submissions for this issue is Friday 10th February.  You can contact us by telephone, email or in writing.

Martin Gienke, 46 Church St, Gt Wilbraham, 882426, martin@gienke.net

John Bramwell, 83 High Street, Lt Wilbraham, 812426, bramwell@globalnet.co.uk

John Torode, 7 High Street, Lt Wilbraham, 812 059, johnboy_torode@hotmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you.