Multi Use Games Court/Area

A new initiative for the area.  The Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Parish Council are proposing that a Multi Use Games Court (MUGC) is installed on the Ken Davison Recreation Ground to enhance the recreational facilities for the residents of the the local villages of Little Wilbraham, Great Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom.

Also known as a Multi Use Games Area  it can be defined as  “an outdoor pitch which may be used for a range of sports, such as tennis, netball and basketball”

The recreational facilities for the younger residents have been recently upgraded and the challenge is extending those facilities to cater for older age groups including teenagers and adults.  As the demographic of the villages change and younger families move in and grow, supporting initiatives that encourage outdoor activity for all ages is becoming a priority.

The Ken Davison Recreation ground is located in Little Wilbraham, just off the High Street and is a desirable open space of approximately 2.3 acres  surrounded by mature trees.

New play equipment was installed in 2019 to cater for the younger residents and the existing grassed area has a small football pitch and is also used for village functions like the “Feast”.

As shown in the figure, there are five allotments located on the south boundary and entrance to the ground is off Orchard Close. There is a small car park that can cater for about 8-10 cars.

MUGC’s occupy an area of approximately 600m2 and if incorporating a tennis court, are preferably oriented on a N – S axis.

The MUGC is a proposal and will depend on resident feedback, funding and many other factors before this facility could be added to the recreational assets of this rural area.

As a first step we encourage all residents for Little Wilbraham, Great Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom to complete the survey as soon as possible so that the information can be used to progress this initiative.

If you have completed this survey before thank you.

Phase I – Proposal and Initial Survey – Completed

Full Results of the Survey Here

Phase II – Seeking seed funding

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

All enquiries to:

Little Wilbraham & Six Mile Bottom Parish Council