Vaccination Programme Update from Bottisham Medical Practice

Please see link below which give more information on the vaccination programme:

The vaccination programme is starting this week and the vaccination hub will be at East Barnwell Health Centre. The practice have phoned all patients without mobile numbers and arranged appointments for them yesterday. This will be for the over 80s and nursing and care homes. A text message did go out Saturday night to all patients with mobile numbers.

If anyone is struggling to get to the vaccination hub Panther Taxis are offering a free service to get people there and back. Alternatively, please contact the reception team at the practice who will help arrange transport.

Patients still may be invited to the regional hubs as well – ours is based at Stevenage. Further information in the link above.

The practice know there has been feedback about it not being done at there but the volume of vaccinations needed means they need to do this as a network with our other practices to adequately resource and continue to delivery their normal services as well.

St John’s Ambulance volunteer vaccinators

St John’s Ambulance is recruiting volunteers to help administer vaccines in the community.

For further information and eligibility criteria visit