Update from Hawk Mill Farm

Anyone that remembers the news item from March 4th https://www.wilbrahams.co.uk/hawk-mill-farm-making-the-change-to-greener-practices/  and even supported the film fund may be interested to hear that although the total did not quite get met, the shortfall has been made up by other benefactors.

I’m proposing to hold a ticketed farm walk later in the year and there will I’m sure be other fund-raising events which will continue to support the budget as well as help build a community around the production and help with its promotion.

The filming will start with spring drilling of conventional cereals and with some more unusual crops being featured too. I progress of the featured farms and crops will continue through the season.

An organisation I’m part of, BaseUK https://base-uk.co.uk/about.asp , has become a film partner and its Conservation Agriculture members will be helping with their “in the field” experiences and information required as well as appearing in the film.

Another partner is FarmED https://www.farm-ed.co.uk which is also worth checking out. Wouldn’t it be good if there were more such places throughout the UK.

To stay in touch with filming progress or take part in future events do follow “Six Inches” on twitter @sixinchessoil or keep an eye on the website https://www.sixinchesofsoil.org

Many thanks,

David White