Update – 22 December 2021

The rise in numbers of people with COVID-19 across the country is causing us all concern. We are keeping a watch on the data for South Cambridgeshire, including our villages. Unfortunately, we are following the national trend with a 50% increase in the numbers of cases in the last week.

This means that everyone should redouble their efforts to stay safe by reducing social contacts, making sure they get vaccinations or boosters and following guidance on PCR, lateral flow tests and social isolation as required. It is possible that further social restrictions will be introduced in the next few days.

We are all very disappointed at this turn of events, especially as many have had such a hard time during the last two years – it must feel very daunting to be facing restrictions yet again. 

We are here to help. Whether you have questions (eg lateral flow tests or booking vaccinations) or need practical help please contact one of us. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll try and find out for you.


Great Wilbraham: Hilary Burton, Tel 07710 787 917 email hb384@cam.ac.uk

Little Wilbraham:  Andrew Carter, Tel 07749 046 499 email apc48@cam.ac.uk

Six Mile Bottom: David Gill, Tel 01638 572 037 email cllr.gill@wilbrahams.co.uk

Claire Daunton: Tel 07905 473 395 email Cllr.Daunton@scambs.gov.uk


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