Tree Planting in Great Wilbraham Play Area

Those villagers who will have visited Great Wilbraham’s play area will have noticed that several trees had been removed due to damage or having died.  Well, the task of replanting trees has started last Saturday 28th March.  Four cherry trees were planted and planting more trees is planned  over the coming year.

This activity is all part of the initiative to make the Wilbrahams greener and to support the environmental activities talked about at the village meeting in February regarding “Wilding the Wilbrahams” where over 50 local residents were in attendance.

It was an enjoyable morning on Saturday planting the trees but I have to say some of us did discover muscles which had not used for some time; I’m just recovering.

We are also progressing making a part of the play area wildlife friendly and are seeking volunteers to become involved.

If anyone would like to get involved with further gardening and planting activities please email

Paul Lambton