The Wilbrahams’ and Six Mile Bottom Tabletop Vegetable, Flower and Produce Show 2021
Saturday 17th July 2 pm, Great Wilbraham Recreation Ground
As you may have seen in the Spring/Summer online edition of the Warbler, the plan is to run the Show on similar lines to last year’s Doorstep Show but to hold it on the Rec…weather permitting! The idea is to have your tabletop display at the Rec rather than on your Doorstep. Having the tables all in one place, in a socially distanced circle, will enable everyone to get together, look around all the displays more easily and continue the tradition of this fun and social event for the Villages!
(A limited number of Hall tables will be available for use if you are unable to bring your own and help will be on hand for anyone needing their items transported from home to the Rec and back.)
Normally we would issue a Show Schedule full of classes but as last year, we simply ask you to display anything you have grown, made, baked, produced, crafted or arranged, based on the following categories:
- Home grown fruit/vegetables (The Stephenson Cup)
- Flowers/foliage/plants from your garden (The Brian Fisher Salver)
- Flower arrangement with one or more roses (The Rose Bowl)
- Home produce e.g. eggs, preserves, bread, baking (Social Club Cup)
- Arts and Crafts – made within the last year (2012 Jubilee Rose Bowl)
- Children’s (under 12’s) Arts and Crafts (Thistle Tankard)
- Children’s (under 12’s) Garden on a plate/tray competition (Junior Cup) (There will be a separate table for these)
- The best overall table display (Les Potter Cup)
NB In addition to the article in the Warbler there is an extra Class:
- A posy of flowers in a jam jar (The Show Helpers Cup)
We have 2 new cups for you to win!
The Show Helpers Cup (see above) very kindly donated by the Whybrow Family who have been stalwart helpers of the Show for many years.
The Richard Wright Cup (for the winner of the Spud in a Bucket Competition) very kindly donated by the Wright Family in memory of their Father’s enthusiastic support of the Show and who won the competition a few years ago.
Set up time on the Rec will be from 12midday. There are no individual entry fees per item (or prize money) but we suggest a voluntary contribution of £2 per table please, to help cover costs (under 16 year olds free). There are lots of cups to be won!

The Photography Section (Doris Franklin Cup) has been kindly organized by Chris Fell and the Classes are as follows:
1) A Flower. Remember, a flower, not a plant! The photo should be all about a single bloom
2) Spots. Not acne, I hope! It might be a polka dot fabric garment or something in nature
3) Running water – a stream? A bath tap? A garden water feature?
4) A portrait – this could be a child, a pet or granny – Not a selfie please!
5) Mechanical – anything mechanical from something tiny like a clockwork watch to a combine harvester!!
Please send in your photos (max 2 per class) to Chris Fell ( by midnight, Friday 16th July.
The Spud in the Bucket Competition: (The Richard Wright Cup) Please deliver your bucket (labeled with your name and phone number, with leaves trimmed and un-watered for previous 2 days) to the driveway of 13, High Street, Great Wilbraham on/before Friday, 16th July. Please contact me if you need your bucket collecting.
The Plug Plant Competition (David Waters Memorial Cup) Please bring your ‘nurtured’ fuchsia to the Rec after midday on the day of the Show and put it on the allocated table (labeled with your name and phone number).
We are hoping to serve the traditional ‘Tea/coffee and cakes’ on the terrace (Government Covid guidelines permitting) between 2-4pm.
At 4pm the Cups will be presented to the Winners followed by an Auction of any kindly donated items or produce. This includes a water – colour of ‘A view of the allotment along Toft Lane looking towards Squire’s Field’ by Ian McManus who has very generously painted and framed it especially for the Show, to help raise funds for the Hall. Please see photo on the inside back cover of this summer’s edition of ‘The Warbler’ (frame size 58.5 x 49.5cm, painting size 36.5 x 26.5cm). The painting will be on view ‘on the day’ or beforehand by arrangement – contact details below.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, 17thJuly at the Rec with the ‘fruits of your labours’…. don’t forget there is a cup to be won for each section and for the best overall table display.!
Or simply just come along from 2pm for a browse and meet up with family/ friends for a ‘cuppa’ and the Auction…. fingers crossed for fine weather!!
A flyer will be delivered to your door with more details of the Show. Please contact me if you would like to take part and have a table display by WEDNESDAY 14th July so we can plan a circle on the Rec for the tables.…please let me know if you need to borrow a table or if you have any queries.
Rosie White
Tel 01223 881293
Mobile 07757 982934