The Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom Doorstep Show Results


When it was decided that the Vegetable Flower and Produce Show could not take place in the Memorial Hall this year due to the Coronavirus situation, Emma Adams came up with the brilliant idea of having the Doorstep Show instead. The Show was a resounding success thanks to all of you who took part, everyone who helped and all who came along to have a look around on the day.  There were 44 Doorstep displays and the feedback we have received has been fantastic.

I expect many of you will have seen the amazing photo gallery that Chris Fell kindly put together from all the 357 impressive photos of the displays and exhibits taken by himself and his Team (Andrew Evans, Dave Humphrey and Paul Lambton) on the day of the Show. If you haven’t seen them yet, the photos are available on this link

With the judging being done remotely, as you can imagine it was quite a challenge to decide which displays should be awarded the cups. Fortunately, some of the regular judges of the Show came by and were able to offer their expert advice. Even so, because all of the displays were completely individual and had been put together with such a lot of thought and effort, never mind the skills of producing /making the exhibits, it was still extremely difficult to single out the best ones overall. However, I am sure all of you all who had a display were rewarded with great admiration and enthusiasm by everyone who came by..…CONGRATULATIONS for providing such a spectacular village event.

 The cups are to be awarded as follows:

Stephenson Cup (Fruit and Veg): Roger Rayner






Brian Fisher Salver (Flowers/foliage/ plants): Peter Wilson

The Rose Bowl (flower arrangement with one or more roses): Patsy Deller









David Water’s Memorial Cup (Pelargonium Plug Plant Competition): Jeremy Davis/Chris Fell

The Social Club Cup (Home Produce): Judy Whybrow





2012 Jubilee Rose Bowl (Arts and crafts): Frances Toovey







Les Potter Cup (Photography): Andrew Evans Lines Curves and Patterns

Lines Curves and Patterns








Thistle Tankard (Children’s Arts and Crafts): JasmineBrasnett







Junior Cup (Scarecrow Competition): Mac Mcfaquhar (‘Speed’ crow)







Doris Franklin Cup (Best overall table display): Sue and Paul Lambton





(with a special mention for Ellie, Andrew and Zoe Evans for their delightful theatrical display of the “Teddy Bear’s Picnic “!)

Please see Chris Fell’s report on the Photography Section available on this link

The Spud in a Bucket Competition was won jointly by Elaine Allison and Vivien Prior who both had the heaviest yield by far of 1.1 kgs (2.5 lbs). When it came to the actual Show, neither of them wanted to give up their buckets as they had been enjoying growing and nurturing their spud so much during ‘lockdown’ they wanted to continue! (The variety was a ‘Shetland Black,’ a dark purple heritage potato from Victorian times which when cut in half reveals a pretty purple ring inside.)

As the Doorstep Show was so popular we could (or might even have to) do it again this way next year. We would love to hear your views and any ideas or suggestions you might have. For example…

  • We could alternate running it like this with the traditional Show in the Hall?
  • We had reports that people enjoyed the freedom of the ‘lack of rules’ and it seems to have brought out the creative side of many Villagers. Is this something you enjoyed?
  • We could think about having separate timings for Great and Little Wilbraham so that we could visit each others’ displays more easily?
  • We could have a different start time/run it for longer/have a refreshment venue on the Rec….perhaps at the Social Club?

Please contact me with your thoughts!

I would just like to say a big thank you to Emma Adams and Judy Whybrow for all their hard work and help with organizing the Doorstep Show and to Chris Fell (and his Team) for his time, effort and input with the photography side of things and for organising the Photography section…truly a team effort !

Rosie White


Tel 01223 881293

Mobile 07757982934