The Wilbrahams and COVID 19 Chris Ascroft

The next in this series is from local farm manager Chris Ascroft.

Martin Gienke

The corona virus has had a major effect on the whole population in this country, but there is something that has had an even larger effect on the local farmers. The weather. From our last measurable rainfall on March 2nd we have been almost nonstop trying to get the spring crops into the ground for harvesting in August. Luckily a tractor cab makes an ideal isolation pod, with climate control, fridge, small kettle, mp3 player connected to the music radio and 2 way radio communication system to talk to each other. All the seed and most of the fertiliser was already on the farm, so there was no need to see anybody else and Phil and I have been quite content  getting the spring barley, peas and sugarbeet sown and all the already growing crops fertilised to produce beer, sugar obviously, mushy peas and flour for biscuits or pet food. So whilst not directly involved with the food chain we are working to keep the country’s food security high in the future, with the necessary clamour of covid 19 going on around us.

With a second grandchild imminent Zoe and I have been keen to be as isolated as possible and our daughter Clare has been keeping the lunchboxes topped up remotely for us ,so I do not understand the panic buying of food, the shortages on the shelves and I certainly would not like to be queuing to do a supermarket shop when I can be feasting on Pheasant,partridge,or muntjac from the freezer.

The extra people using the footpaths around the farm are great to see and wave to, what isn’t so good are the people just wandering randomly in the countryside(not too bad I hasten to say in Wilbraham) popping up unexpectedly in places where we are using large machinery and possibly chemicals putting themselves and us at risk. Please enjoy the countryside, but stay safe and healthy.

If you have any questions about what we are doing or which crops are which please ask via the village Facebook page and I will try an answer.

Chris Ascroft