The Village Show 2021
The Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom Table-Top Vegetable, Flower and Produce Show 2021
Well, what a superb day we had for the Show last Saturday! Thank goodness it wasn’t a few days later with thunder, lightning and torrents of rain!
I would just like to say a massive thank you to all the participants who went to a huge amount of effort to construct their table displays on the Rec. A lot of time and energy was spent not only with the creation of all their exhibits over the year but also the transportation of everything to and fro in the sweltering sun. There were 21 Table displays and every one of them a masterpiece. The judges had an extremely hard task to choose only one winner in each category and were all bowled over by the innovativeness, quality and skills demonstrated on each table.
The winners
Many congratulations to you all and especially to the winners:

The Stephenson Cup for best display of home-grown fruit and vegetables: Roger Rayner.
The Brian Fisher Salver for best display of flowers/foliage/plants from the garden: Sue Lambton.

The Rose Bowl for best flower arrangement with one or more roses: Trish Davis.
Social Club Cup for best display of Home Produce: Fran Ellis.

2012 Jubilee Rose Bowl for best Arts and Crafts: Frances Toovey
Les Potter Cup for best overall table display: Sue and Paul Lambton.

The Doris Franklin Cup for winner of the Photography Section: Andrew Evans.
The Show Helpers’ Cup for best posy of garden flowers/foliage in a jam jar: Veronica Atherton.

Junior Cup for best Garden on a plate/tray: Jack Wilson.
The Thistle Tankard Under 12’s for best posy of garden flowers/foliage in a jam jar: Jessica Helmy.

(As there were sadly no entries in the under12’s Arts and Crafts category, we decided to have a separate class for the under 12’s posies in jam jars and award the Thistle Tankard to the winner.)

The David Waters Memorial Cup for the Plug Plant Competition (Hardy Fuchsia): Trish Davis.
The Richard Wright Cup for the Spud in a Bucket Competition: Christine Clewes had the heaviest yield (1.28 kg) from the ‘Swift’ seed potato.

We had 2 new cups this year:
The Show Helpers’ Cup: very kindly donated by the Whybrow Family who have for many years helped with the running of the Show.
The Richard Wright Cup: very kindly donated by his son Alex and Family in memory of Richard’s stalwart support and enthusiasm for the Show and he was a previous winner of the ‘Spud in the Bucket’! We missed him greatly on Saturday, as we did Vivien Wilson too, who would always be ready and willing to help set up the Show.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID situation, the Primary School was unable to take part this year. Hopefully things will be ‘back to normal’ next July!
Despite the heat of the day, many of you came to the Rec on Saturday afternoon to have a look around the table displays, catch up with friends and enjoy some tea and cake; there was quite a buzz! Thank you so much for supporting the Show and for all the generous donations given for the Hall funds which amounted to £185. Many thanks to all of you who swiftly filled the Auction Table with very kindly donated items of fruit, veg and produce from the table displays along with various other items and two watercolour paintings, by Ian McManus and Helen Clarke. Unfortunately, Ian’s painting of the “Allotments from Toft Way” did not reach its reserve so will be auctioned another time.
Lots of thanks also to:
Chris Fell for his continued dedication in organising the Show’s Photography section and achieving a record number of 138 entries… and for these photos of the Cup presentations! Also, to the Judge, Ian, for very kindly examining all the photos and offer to give feedback on Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm via Zoom. (More details from Chris in due course.)
The Judges who gave up their time to attend the Show and had the very difficult task of choosing the winners.
Charlie Raikes who, on behalf of the Hall Committee, kindly presented the Cups to the Winners as the President, Ray Tilbrook was sadly unable to attend.
Our Tea ladies, Jackie Beadsmore, Sally Hames, Vivien Hussey, Kathy Mann and Di Raikes who cheerily and tirelessly slaved away in the boiling hot sun serving drinks and homemade cakes which were generously donated by several Village bakers … thank you! They made £160 – that’s a lot of tea and cake!
Judy Whybrow who magnanimously stepped into Nigel Start’s place as Auctioneer as he sadly had to leave beforehand. She says she has learnt a lot from Nigel by assisting him with the Auction over the years which proved to be the case as she successfully managed to raise £165 from the generously donated items.
Richard Morley who kindly printed the Show Flyers and posters, Siobhan Hall for folding them all and Judy Whybrow and Emma Adams for helping deliver them. Many thanks also to Judy and Emma for their time and support with organising the Show.
Shirley Morley and Dru Goryn for their guidance with COVID regulations and great help sorting out the Hall, floats, disposable cups for teas etc, etc …
Tony Goryn for kindly erecting the very useful Gazebo before the Show and to all of you who took the time to help clear away the displays, tables, chairs and bunting etc from the Rec afterwards.
All in all, an amazing afternoon which made £510 for the Hall funds. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to the Show in any way at all!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we could run the Show next year or would like to be involved, please do contact me.
Rosie White
Tel 01223 881293 or 07757982934