The Village Shop and Post Office

In response to legitimate concerns expressed by some villagers Yasir and Rabia at the shop have introduced some measures to protect customers and themselves from Coronavirus.

Notices are now prominently displayed re Social Distancing and the floor is being marked out – so far as is practicable in a small shop – to remind customers of the need to maintain distancing, both from them and from other customers.

The shop is not imposing a rigid limit on the number of customers in the shop at any one time but please use common sense.  Please look through the glass panels in the main door and, if appropriate, wait before entering.   They ask us, their customers, in particular not to approach the shop counter nearer than necessary.

Yasir and Rabia are using anti-bacterial wipes/sanitiser to clean the counter very regularly, as well as the card machines, the main entrance and exit door handles, the Post Office counter screen and other surfaces in the shop such as the chiller cabinets and cold drinks units which you or they may touch.

Please use the Contactless method of payment if you can – although the shop cannot completely eliminate the use of cash.

Bottisham Surgery has just decided that it can deliver prescriptions to the Shop more often now than just every Friday – to take advantage of this just ask the Surgery when you order your prescription.

Yasir and Rabia, with the help of a small group of people, are already delivering shop items to villagers who cannot get out to visit the shop – just ring up (880375) and ask.

Stock deliveries are rather erratic at present but Yasir and Rabia will continue to try to obtain the goods which we need and want. They thank everyone who continues to shop with them and they would love to see more of us using the Post Office and the Shop, especially in these difficult times.