Thanks to All the Litter Pickers for 2021

To reinforce the successful litter pick in Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom staggered their pick over a period of days last week with volunteers taking predefined areas.  A big thank you to Andrew Carter for again organising this years event.

The tally of rubbish bags was around 45 with the greatest amount coming from the Little Wilbraham Road down to Six Mile Bottom.  The equivalent of Mill Road in Great Wilbraham.  This means over 80 large bags of rubbish from in and around our three villages.

For those interested in the details of what is collected.

  • energy drink cans
  • beer cans and bottles
  • plastic juice bottles
  • plastic wrappers, cups and plastic lids
  • a car number plate
  • building debris from a loose load including plaster board, skirting board, insulation.
  • wine and spirit bottles
  • cider cans
  • a staggering number of pill  packets – particularly co-codamol
  • plastic bags
  • an oil drum
  • a not so smart – smart phone
  • a new one this year – discarded face masks

Given the number of alcoholic containers found, drinking and driving seems to be the norm rather than the exception and when combined with co-codamol!

And to cap it all off one of our volunteers had an apple core thrown at them by a passing car while picking.  You can only but shake your head.

Thank you all and we are sure our fellow residents appreciate the hard work put in by the volunteers.

See you again next year but in the meantime if you are out on a walk take a bag with you and help keep our spaces as attractive as they already are.

The Little Wilbraham And Six Mile Bottom Parish Council