Thanks for path work at Playarea
A big heartfelt thanks to all the people who volunteered to help lay the path at the playground on Saturday. It was one of those days when it all came together and the path was completed by 5:30pm after a 10am start. By 10pm, after a trip to the Hole in the Wall, it was an even better day.
A special thanks goes to David White from Hawks Mill Farms for his time and his loader which really broke the back of shifting stubborn roots twenty five tonnes of road base and path topping and dirt removed from the path. As a result we now have a new ski slope and one of the higher points in Cambridgeshire.
Thanks also go to Elaine and Juliet for the delicious food and drinks served on the day and to Gill and Karen for providing the water, Cathy for representing Great Wilbraham and George for tackling the jungle of brambles and lost trees. Last but not least to Nigel Start for providing the compacter that only Guy could finesse with one hand while drinking tea with the other. It brought a bit of class to the workforce.
A big vote of thanks also goes to Andrew Carter who has driven this project from the start and as a result the village now has what we think is one of the prettiest playgrounds in the area and when combined with the new Great Wilbrahams playground, will be a great playspace for all ages.
Finally Karen Redman asked me if in this email I could include her thanks – in her words:
“ If you are sending a ‘thank you’ email to volunteers in the coming days, please include a personal thank you from me, on behalf of my daughter, Martha, for making it possible for her to use some play equipment within this village and enlarging her world in a most enjoyable way “
Thankyou all for helping make our village a special place to live.
The LWSMB Parish Council
PS Look out for the “Feast” Saturday 22nd June 12 – 4pm for games, food and the official opening of the new playground. More to follow……