Table Top and Book Sale raises £756.39 for local groups and charities

On Saturday 22nd April the Memorial Hall was buzzing with our first Table Top & Book Sale. Tea was flowing, and there were lots of delicious and varied cakes to enjoy. Many thanks to those who baked cakes or served teas on the day.

Many thanks also for all of the donations for the book stall. The books that did not sell on the day have been donated either to the Gt Wilbraham Telephone Box Book Exchange, or passed on to charity book shops.

£397.80 was raised for Memorial Hall funds (from the Entrance Fee; Teas & Cakes; Book Stall & Table Fees)

St Nicholas Church Trust raised £120.00
Weenie Warblers Toddler Group raised £25 Christian Blind Mission – raised £31.50
Little Wilbraham Church Stall raised £109,09. Great Wilbraham Primary School PTA raised £73 Emma Adams