Table tennis Weds 7.30-10.30pm

Stop press
Due to popular demand the hire session is extended and is now 7.30 to 10.30.

Please come whenever you like during that period, but well over 20 people have shown an interest and we will need to stagger and rotate table-time. This, apparently random system, used to work very well at squash clubs, ensuring members had plenty of time on court, and plenty of time to chat. While we are not playing we can discuss and establish, by consensus, how our evenings are managed in the future, with the implications of any decisions. For instance we might explore extending further, say 6.30 to 10.30 – in which case we will need to nominate an additional “supervisor” (I can’t commit to 4 hours presence). Or supplying some reading material for times not at the table (no implications). I hope that all makes sense.

Table tennis

    The table tennis group will meet for the first time on Weds Jan 10th, 2018, and then every Wednesday until March 28th.

    Sessions will be from 7.30pm to 10.30pm

    There will be a fee, intended to cover running costs, of £2.50 per person, per session.

    We will know well before the end of March if it is a project worth continuing

    If you would like to join in, but haven’t yet made contact, please get in touch by email to: