Supporting children in our villages

The Well-brahams have been very aware that the mental health of children and young people has suffered during the pandemic. A major problem was the anxiety around the COVID-19 virus itself and it’s implications. Also the inability to get together to socialise and play.
Because of this we have asked Rachel Cox to run a series of sessions on Creative Mindfulness and Managing Difficult Emotions. These will be available to all age groups and will be free. Please do come to the introductory session on 10th May which is for all parents, grandparents and friends. This talk will give a good understanding of what is involved and how you can encourage and support the child or young person when they attend. The sessions will be interactive and fun as well as teaching helpful coping strategies. We will explain booking etc at this session and will welcome any questions.
We have also asked Charlie Brown to run a series of sports sessions in the summer holidays, this will again include all age groups and all sessions are free. Many of you will know Charlie as he teaches at the school. He will be running football, cricket and rounders sessions, he is also flexible and will adapt to the age group and their needs.
Please watch out for our notices about these sessions which will include booking details.
Lets hope we have a healthy and happy summer for our children and young people in the three villages.