Successful Orchard Launch
We had a very successful Orchard Launch today. It was a beautiful unexpectedly sunny afternoon in Great Wilbraham Community Orchard. We had visitors of all ages attending from Little Wilbraham, Six Mile Bottom even some from the Lake District!

The event was organised by the Well-brahams with help from Wilbrahams’ Environment Group, WEG. Rachel Steward organised lots of great activities for children which related to the natural world and environment, thanks Rachel.

Many bulbs were planted by everyone please do wander down to the orchard to watch for signs of them coming up. The benefits of fresh air and being in nature are such an important way to maintain and improve our wellbeing.

Last, but obviously not least, lots of delicious cakes were consumed (made by Well-brahams’ members) along with hot tea, thanks Dru.

We will be holding more events in the orchard over the winter. The next event we have is planting bulbs throughout our villages. This is on 6th November. We’re asking for volunteers and meeting outside the social club on the day, watch out for more details on posters and this website. Meanwhile enjoy autumn.
The Well-brahams.