Station Road, Great Wilbraham (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC) 1st Feb-2nd Feb 21


Station Road, Great Wilbraham


ORDER 2021/119

NOTICE is given that Cambridgeshire County Council has made an Order pursuant to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the effect of which is to stop any vehicle from proceeding along Station Road, Great Wilbraham as lies between number 29 and Wilbraham Road.

Access will be maintained to properties affected by this order.
The alternative route for vehicles is via Wilbraham Road – Wilbraham Road, Fulbourn – Station Road – Church Lane – High Street – School Lane – Dogget
Lane – Balsham Road – A11 – Mill Road, Great Wilbraham – High Street – Frog End and vice versa.

The Order is made to facilitate electric cable maintenance works which are being carried out on or near this highway and it will come into operation on 1
February 2021 and continue until these works have finished or on the 31 July 2022 whichever is the earlier.

It is anticipated that these works will be carried out between 08:30hrs to 16:00hrs 1 February and 2 February 2021.