Spring update from The Well-brahams

The current lockdown continues to be exceedingly difficult for many people. Even though we are part of a caring community it is quite usual to feel lonely and isolated.

We just wanted to remind everyone that the Well-brahams’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Group are all trained in Mental Health First Aid and are here to listen to anyone who has anxiety or what might just feel like a small worry. All research shows that the sooner a mental health issue is addressed the better; this is a preventative move and can stop things becoming worse.

One good thing emerging from the pandemic is that struggling with mental ill health is now much more recognised, anyone can be vulnerable. Also because so many people are being open about this, the stigma around talking about your own mental health is rapidly diminishing.

If you are feeling anxious or worried, please do contact one of us for a chat if nothing else. We work closely with the Wilbrahams’ Volunteer Group (of which many of us are members) and can also signpost you to available help and resources.

Joy Bray 01223 880415 joy.bray@talktalk.net
Alison Hargreaves 07941 871536 alisonhargreaves@btinternet.com
Tony Goryn 07751 281341 tonygoryn@icloud.com
Julia A’Court 07789 512428 jacourt@btopenworld.com
Helen Clarke 07815 105092 helen@summerhouse-paintings.co.uk
Sally Ramus 01223 881050 sallyramus@btinternet.com
Hilary Burton 07710 787917 hb384@cam.ac.uk
Dave Chapman 07981 976905 dave_c24@talk21.com
Rowena Pilsworth 07981 976905 rowenavpilsworth@gmail.com
Karen Hinkins 01223 880177 karenhinkins@btinternet.com


If you’d rather not talk, just head over to our website where there are lots of helpful links and ideas:
