Spring edition of the Warbler will be published on-line

The Warbler deadline is approaching

8th February          15th February

Because of the current corona virus lockdown the Spring edition, which is due out on 1st March, will be published on-line rather than a printed edition delivered to every home.  We’ve moved back the deadline to 15th February.

Publication on-line means that some of our residents who don’t have access to the internet, will not be able to receive on-line copies.  For those who don’t have access to the web, the Parish Councils are organising volunteers to distribute paper copies. Please contact:

Little Wilbraham Great Wilbraham Six Mile Bottom
John Bramwell,

83 High Street,


Steve Bartlett,

14 High Street,

CB21 5JD

David Gill,

The Hermitage,

London Road,

Six Mile Bottom,


01638 572 037


Alternatively mention this to your contact on the Covid-19 Volunteer Group.


If you want something included (letter, article, notice, photograph) in the Spring edition please contact:

Martin Gienke,

46 Church Street,

Great Wilbraham



or one of the other editors.