Update 24th November 2021
As reported before, the Covid Support group has now merged with the Well-brahams. We are focused on helping the community get back to normal and, going forward, to promoting physical and mental health and providing support to anyone with health-related problems.
Whilst there are still many people being affected by Covid, by making sure we get booster vaccinations (and flu vaccinations) when offered and continuing to take reasonable precautions, we can stay as safe as possible, whilst beginning to venture out and socialise.

So, in the spirit of ‘reconnection’, the Well-brahams and Covid support group held the first of our Coffee Mornings in the Memorial Hall on 10 November. It was great fun, and we hope everyone felt very safe: we had the doors wide open, we were well-spaced, the Hall was double cleaned, and we wore masks in crowded spaces (though not whilst drinking coffee!)

And, more importantly, we had real coffee (thanks to the expertise of Dru and Cheryl in the kitchen), delicious homemade cakes (thanks to all the cake makers!) and a lovely opportunity to relax, chat, catch up with friends and make new ones. There were more than 30 people, from the very young who demanded that the play mats and toy cars be produced – to the not so young! – and the whole event reminded us of the close community in which we are so lucky to live.
There are two more Well-Brahams’ coffee mornings still to come before Christmas – the dates to look forward to are Wednesday 1 December and Wednesday 15 December (a chance for an early Christmas celebration). Do put them in your diaries.
The event was funded through the South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) Covid recovery funds and the Parish Councils who are all very committed to supporting the communities. Thanks are also due to the Coop who provide financial support to the Well-brahams as a local cause within the members’ dividend scheme.
We continue to be available for help or to provide information if people run into covid-related, or other problems. Do contact us via the Well-brahams’ website.
Hilary Burton (Tel 07710787917, hb384@cam.ac.uk)
Andrew Carter (Tel 07749 046499, apc48@cam.ac.uk)
Joy Bray (Tel 07707 816467, joy.bray@talktalk.net)
Update 20th September 2021
The lifting of formal Government restrictions has marked an important change and paves the way for return to a more normal village life. At the time of writing, however, we are mindful that there are still Covid cases; people continue to be concerned and to have their lives disrupted by it. Whilst most older people are fully vaccinated, it is important to remember that many of those under 40 and almost all under eighteens still await this level of protection. Furthermore, while vaccination massively reduces the chance of hospitalisation it does not make it impossible to catch the virus.
If you haven’t yet been fully vaccinated, you are urged to do so as soon as possible. There are many options for this now, including walk-in vaccination centres – information is kept up to date on https://www.cambridgeshireandpeterboroughccg.nhs.uk/news-andevents/latest-news/covid-19-national-vaccination-programme/informationregarding-walk-in-clinics/.
For other services such as Covid testing for those with symptoms, rapid testing for people without symptoms or other forms of advice or support, go to the South Cambridgeshire website on https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/coronavirus.
We are all continuing to live with the virus. If you need help or have concerns or questions about Covid do please contact the village coordinators (contact details below) who will be able to advise or signpost you to support.
As we indicated in our last update, we plan in the longer term to transfer responsibility for health and well-being to the Welll-brahams group which we have joined. Although residents who have concerns can contact any members of the Well-brahams, named individuals will be responsible for well-being in specific areas and be able to provide a link to available activities and support within the villages and outside.
To contact the Well-brahams please see their website: https://thewell-brahams.weebly.com/
We would like to thank everyone who has provided care and support throughout the villages during this difficult time and to wish everyone well for the future.
Hilary Burton and Andrew Carter
Coordinators contact details:
Great Wilbraham: Hilary Burton, tel. 07710787917 email hb384@cam.ac.uk.
Little Wilbraham: Andrew Carter, tel. 07749 046499 email apc48@cam.ac.uk
Six Mile Bottom: David Gill, tel. 01638 572037 email davidegill@mac.com
Update 15th January 2021
Updates are posted on the Village website https://www.wilbrahams.co.uk/and the Wilbraham Community Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/313983712127427/) or contact the Covid coordinators for information. The South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) website contains current rules and available support https://www.scambs.gov.uk/coronavirus/.
Organisation of support
The WSMB Covid Support Group provides a Local Contact for each street (see below). They are supported by a group of nearly 40 volunteers, all ready and willing to help.
We can provide support including giving advice, helping with essential shopping or prescription pick-ups. If you are having difficulty with self-isolation, hardship due to loss of income, or problems with home-schooling please contact us and we may be able to help you access support.
If you have tested positive or been in contact with someone who has tested positive please do not go out as it puts others at risk. Contact us and we will happily run errands for you.
Support grants are available to cover lost income due to having to self-isolate: https://www.scambs.gov.uk/coronavirus/self-isolation-payment/
Currently village residents can ask to have prescriptions delivered to the Great Wilbraham Post Office. Bottisham Medical Practice is starting a delivery service to patient’s own homes. You should shortly receive a letter to tell you how to access this service for repeat prescriptions. Information and a form to complete will soon be available on the Practice website. If you need an urgent prescription please ask your Local Contact.
Our medical centres are working closely with the local Covid Vaccination Programme. They are using their patient lists, including patients who are in clinical priority groups, and will contact patients when it is their turn to be vaccinated. People in the villages are already being called but it seems not in any obvious order. You are asked to wait and NOT to contact the practice. You will be written to, followed by a phone call or text. The letter will tell you where to go. The location may either be the medical practice or another site.
St John Ambulance are recruiting volunteers to help: https://vaccinationvolunteers.sja.org.uk/
Social support
One of the hardest things to bear throughout all of this has been the feeling of isolation and not being able to see friends and family. There are a number of ways we are trying to help:
- Telephone calls: we can arrange for someone to call you regularly to chat and maintain social contact. (Speak to your Local Contact).
- Virtual coffee mornings: Thursday mornings at 11.00 by Zoom. (Contact Hilary Burton to join).
- Know Your Neighbour talks: Tuesday evenings from Tuesday 26 January. (Information will be published on village website on Monday 18th January or contact Andrew Carter).
Support from South Cambridgeshire District Council
SCDC provides support for local residents. Look at their website for information on support for vulnerable residents, hot food schemes, home schooling technologies, heating grants, emergency supplies, loss of income during self-isolation and the vaccination programme. Councillor Claire Daunton works closely with the Covid support group and can be contacted for advice: cllr.daunton@scambs.gov.uk
Johnson Bede and Lane Charitable Trust
For everyone in Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom now and in the months ahead. The Trust offers help for a variety of things but during the current circumstances specific help includes:
- Education Support – help with the cost of home education (electricity, printer ink, paper, educational toys and games and other resources)
- Young Person Support – 16-25 year olds – help to cover the costs of staying in education, an apprenticeship or other activities
- COVID Support – help with essential food and household bills
If you would like support, please contact the Trust (all enquiries are in the strictest confidence):
- Karen Ostenfeld (Secretary) 07828 601994 info@jbltrust.co.uk
- Juliet Carter (Treasurer) 07808 835081
COVID-19 Volunteer Group Coordinators
Great Wilbraham: Hilary Burton, Tel 07710787917 or email hb384@cam.ac.uk
Little Wilbraham: Andrew Carter, Tel 07749 046499 or email apc48@cam.ac.uk
Great Wilbraham | Contact | Phone number |
The Lanes, Chapel Meadows, Angle End (to Post Office) | Joy Bray | 07707 816467/01223 880415 |
Angle End (Post Office to High Street) , Bensteads End | Helen Clarke | 07815 105092 |
Ratfords Yard | Julia A’Court | 07789 512428 / 01223 881539 |
Temple End, Butt Lane | Lorna Carr | 07502 081528 |
Church Street | Ian Cumming | 01223 881 787 / 07773 332776 |
Church Close | Emily Oliver | 07789 438393/01223 779141 |
Toft Lane & Toft Way | Alison Hargreaves | 07941 871536 / 01223 880491 |
High Street Upper (above Toft Way) | Kat Williams | 07795 497022 |
High Street Lower (below Toft Way), Mill Road | Ngaio Vince-Dewerse | 07986 224657 |
Squire’s Field | Alison Hargreaves | 07941 871536 / 01223 880491 |
Station Road & Frog End | Aga Hextall | 07886 946022 |
Little Wilbraham | Contact | Phone number |
Rectory Farm Road, Church Road, Six Mile Bottom Road, LW | Andrew and Juliet Carter | 01223 812 065 / 07749 046 499 |
Primrose Farm Road, Orchard Close and Manor Close, LW | Claire Daunton | 01223 811 207 / 07905 473 395 |
High Street, LW | Kathy Stringer | 07904943286 |
High Street, LW | Rebecca Lomas | 07718 899471 |
Alms Houses, LW | Verity Gow | 07903 666 492 |
Six Mile Bottom | Contact | Phone number |
Six Mile Bottom | David Gill | 01638 572 037 |
Great Wilbraham: Hilary Burton, Tel 07710787917 email hb384@cam.ac.uk.
Little Wilbraham and SMB: Andrew Carter, Tel 07749 046499 email apc48@cam.ac.uk