Library, Mobile Library and Phone Box Book Exchange

Fulbourn Village Library

Image of Fulbourn Village Library Logo

Run by volunteers for the benefit of the community. Visit the website here.

Mobile LibraryCartoon of car with books

The mobile library will come on every 4th Thursday of the month at the following times:

Gt Wilbraham – The Green  3:20 pm – 4:00 pm

Little Wilbraham – High Street 4:10 pm – 4:25 pm

Six Mile Bottom – Delaware Road 10:30 – 10:55

Find a mobile library stop here.

Phone Box Book Exchange

Please do contribute more books by leaving them in the box outside The Shepherds House, 13, Toft Lane, Great Wilbraham. Please do not leave bags of books in the exchange itself as floor space is very limited! We would like more books for teenagers and younger children, please. Happy winter evening reading!