Saturday, 13th July

The Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom Vegetable, Flower and Produce Show 2024

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! The Show is on SATURDAY, 13th JULY in the Memorial Hall, Great Wilbraham.

So that you can plan your entries for the Show in advance, there is a list of the Classes in the Spring edition of the Warbler and it is also available to download here…don’t forget there are 12 trophies to be won! More details and a more comprehensive paper copy of the Schedule and entry forms will be delivered to you in early June with the Summer edition of the Warbler.

A few things to mention:

The “SPUD IN THE BUCKET” competition (Class 22): For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, you are provided with a potato tuber to be planted and grown in a 14 litre/3-gallon bucket. You then bring the whole bucket intact to 13, High Street, Great Wilbraham by Wednesday 10th July where the bucket will be emptied and the potatoes weighed. The heaviest crop of potatoes produced from one tuber will be the winner of The Richard Wright Cup.

**The potato tubers will be available from Mid-March (1 per person and 20p for entry fee) and also a supply of 14 litre buckets (£1 each) and can be collected from Trish Davis, 13, Toft Lane, Great Wilbraham. Tel 01223 880854; mobile 07739415918; email

The “PLUG-PLANT COMPETITION”(Class 41). The idea is that you nurture a plug-plant which is provided and then enter it into the Show. This year it will be a fuchsia, and the winner of the ‘best’ plant will be awarded the David Waters Memorial Cup (only the plug plants provided will be considered for this class).

**The plug plants will be available from Mid-April (1 per person and 20p for entry fee) and can be collected from Rosie White, 13, High Street, Great Wilbraham. Tel 01223 881293; mobile 07757982934; email

A reminder notice will be put in the window of Great Wilbraham Stores and on the Wilbrahams website/Facebook page when the potato tubers and plug plants are ready for collection (or contact Trish/Rosie as above if you need potatoes/plug plants delivering to you).

**Don’t forget, you are allowed 2 entries per person for all the other classes in the Show.

PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION: Please see article by Andrew Evans for more information.

The Under 12’s Classes 75-78 will be circulated by Great Wilbraham Primary School to their pupils after Easter and will also be listed in the paper Schedule in June.

The seeds for Class 83 will be distributed to the pupils at the school in mid-April (Seeds are available from Rosie White for children aged under 12 who live in the Wilbrahams or Six Mile Bottom but do not attend the school and who wish to enter the competition).

HELP REQUIRED! We now have a Team approach for running the Show but always need more helpers so if you would like to be involved, we would love to hear from you.

For any other queries or information regarding the Show please contact me, Rosie White (details above).


I would like to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to Judy Whybrow for all her help, hard work and patience with compiling the Schedule over the last 14 years…she has been an absolute star! I would also like to thank Sophie Crocombe, our Junior Team member, who I sadly failed to mention in the Autumn edition of The Warbler for her enthusiastic support of the Show and for all her help encouraging others at Great Wilbraham Primary School to enter the Show last year…also such a star!

Visit our Village Show webpage to read more about this annual event and keep up to date with announcements.