Retired, not tired

U3AC poster promoting the Open Day on 4 July 2024.U3AC Open Day

U3AC (University of the Third Age Cambridge) is holding another Open Day for potential new members on July 4th from 10:00 – 13:00 at its headquarters in 27 – 28 Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UJ.

It’s a club for people who are either semi or fully retired and there is no age restriction, giving members the opportunity to take part in all sorts of activities and interest groups covering subjects as diverse as arts and crafts, film, fitness, gardening, current affairs, history, languages, mathematics, science, walking – basically anything from tap dancing to nuclear physics.

It’s a great way to meet like minded people. Annual membership fee is £100 and you can take part in up to six courses and attend any number of additional lectures on all sorts of topics.