Piece of Cake Run

Congratulations to all the brave souls who came out for the Piece of Cake 10km run on Saturday morning. It was a ridiculously hot morning even by the time the race started at 9.30am with solid blue skies from start to finish. But despite the heat we had 56 people come along to run what was billed as an advanced test. Last year we had 22 and we learnt a lot and this year we learnt some more lessons so thank you to those who gave us some feedback and apologies to those who suffered the flaws – particularly the people who ran a bit more than 10km! A big thank you also to the marshals including Stephen Gooch, Helen Torode, Emma Adams, Emma Roberts, Eleanor Laws mum and partner. Also thank you to my wife Elinor who gave out badly needed water at the half way point ably assisted by my son George and his friend Archie. Thank you also to my daughter Zoe and her friend James for hosing down some very hot runners en route. Finally, and most importantly, a big thank you to David White of Hawkmill Farm for allowing us to go across some areas of his farm not normally open to the public and for helping to clear the paths.
Congratulations to James Crisp for being first man and Lauren Thomas finishing in a time of 44:59 for being first woman.
The run raised over £500 profit for the school PTFA which is really, really appreciated. Onwards and upwards for next year!