Photography group update

Dear All,

The fine weather for the May 15th meeting meant that we were able to walk from the Memorial Hall to Little Wilbraham where Robert Turner had very kindly agreed to let us take photographs of his garden at Reed Cottage. There is always something of interest in Robert’s garden and that night was no exception. Many thanks go to Robert for allowing us to invade his garden.

To make the most of the lovely weather and long evening we were then treated to an invitation to Tony Ryan’s house to partake of liquid refreshments! Thank you Tony for your hospitality.

The next meeting will be back at the usual time of 7.30 on Tuesday 26th June. Please submit any photos you took for viewing on the evening to Chris Fell at

In addition, this could be an opportunity to submit any for discussion/advice that you are considering entering into the photography section of the Produce Show.

Hope to see you at the next meeting.
