Photo Group hears from the Judge

It was great to see so many people come along to the meeting on 25th September and listen to Ian Wilson, a member of the Cambridge Camera Club and also the Royal Photographic Society, give us sound reasons as to why our images, which had been entered into the photography section of the Wilbrahams Produce Show, did or didn’t make the grade!

Ian did sweeten us, quite literally, with a very large selection box of chocolates, before giving his verdict and advice. We all listened with trepidation but by the end of the evening wished we’d had Ian come along before our entries had been submitted.

What he said made complete sense. First of all make sure that your photographs actually apply to the appropriate category. Those of us that took ‘over the gate’ pictures realised why our wonderful photos had been non starters in the category ‘THROUGH the gate’.

Keep it simple, get down to eye level for some shots, move around the subject to get the view and background you really want and crop photos to remove clutter and get that fabulous image.

Many of the photos entered were taken on iphones and the question was asked ‘How do we adjust photos that have been taken this way?”. Ian suggested using SNAPSEED and quite a few members were off to try this out.

It was a constructive and really worthwhile evening. We could all see where we could have improved our images and will take Ian’s comments onboard.

There were quite a few people attending the meeting for the first time and hopefully will be encouraged to come along again, you don’t have to be an expert, just have an interest.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 30th October, 7.30 in the Memorial Hall when the subject will be AUTUMN. So, I’m going to try and put what I heard into practice and hopefully you will as well. Please get any photos to Chris Fell on (this is a new address for Chris) a few days before the meeting so that he can coordinate things.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting.

Sue Lambton