Patchwork and Quilting summer school

Patchwork & Quilting Summer School
at The Great Wilbraham Memorial Hall, Cambridgeshire
Monday 30 July – Friday 3 August 2018
9.30am – 4.30pm each day
£120 per person with 20 places available
The fee includes two professionally tutored days and three further optional days to use the space to progress what you’ve learnt or to work on any UFO you may have.
We will welcome…
Jenny Haynes

Papper, Sax, Sten
Stuart Hillard

Use Scraps, Sew Blocks, Make 100 Quilts
& The Great British Sewing Bee (BBC)
Monday 30 July 2018 Tuesday 31 July 2018

Papper, Sax, Sten means Paper, Scissors, Stone in Swedish. Jenny is a talented Swedish Quilter living in Sheffield and she specialises in tutorials for modern curved piecing. She will be teaching us one of her designs.

A firm favourite in the craft teaching world and with 25 years of Patchwork & Quilting Experience, Stuart will tutor us in Free Motion Quilting Techniques to explore ways to enhance the look of our finished quilts.

On Wednesday 1, Thursday 2 & Friday 3 August 2018, you have use of the space to progress what you have learnt or work on different projects.

Before you book by completing the form below…
Please note:
• Tea, Coffee & Biscuit Refreshments will be provided each day.
• You will need to bring a packed lunch for each day you attend.
• The main room and the building will be locked at the end of every day, but we suggest you take any valuables with you at the end of each day.
• You will be able to leave your workstation set up as you please.
• You can book for the entire week, and choose any or all of the days to attend.
• At this time, to ensure costs are covered, the price is fixed.
Essential known requirements (more will follow as per the tutor’s instructions in the final joining communications for those who book):
• Please bring your own extension cord.
• Before Monday’s session you will be able to order the laser cut plastic Drunkard’s Path templates from our tutor directly, but if you would rather make your own, please bring with you some template plastic, a fine marker to mark your plastic and scissors to cut your plastic.
• For Tuesday’s session you will need to bring along, your darning foot, a quilting table for your machine (if you have one), contrasting thread and two pre-made quilt sandwiches (suggested size 50cm x 50cm) – you can use calico for the top and backing and you should sandwich your choice of batting type with 505 temporary fabric glue spray.
• We will have a couple of full sized ironing boards and irons, but you are welcome to bring your own pressing boards and irons too.

Booking Form
Telephone / Mobile
DO you have any specific dietary needs (i.e. gluten free, soya milk)?
Do you suffer from any respiratory conditions?

I have sent a BACS payment for £120
To: Melanie Reed
Ref: GWPQ and your name
Acc No: 46402661
Sort Code: 07-02-46
Or I have sent a ‘Personal’ or ‘Friends & Family’ PayPal payment to

Or I have enclosed a cheque for £120 made payable to Melanie Reed.

Please post this completed booking form to Melanie Reed, 204 The Rowans, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6ZL
Or email this completed booking form to