Opening the Playground and Memorial Hall – News from the Trustees

From the Memorial Hall Trustees

Recently issued Government Covid-19 guidelines have paved the way for the managed re-opening of community facilities, including Play Areas and Community Halls.

The Great Wilbraham Play Area will open again on Saturday 4th July.

We have to take a few measures to enforce social distancing where we can. However, it is an open access play area – so the responsibility will lie with users to read the signs and use the facilities safely. We cannot clean the equipment between users either, so please bring portable sanitiser for your or your children’s use.  The facilities are to be used at your own risk, and if it is used safely, we can keep it open for all to enjoy.

We have formed a working party to work through all the new legislation and guidelines in relation to the re-opening of the Memorial Hall. In simple terms, we have to restrict the number of people using the main hall to 35 and we will not be able to offer either the kitchen or the small meeting room for use. Some uses that involve close seating / contact will not be allowed to take place. In the first instance we will be writing to all regular users to establish whether their group is safe to continue, and we will be working with those who do want to come back to do so in a safe way. We expect that this might take a few weeks to organise and we hope to open in early August. If there are any new groups who would like to use the facilities for a community activity that could be carried out safely within the Covid-19 distancing guidelines, please get in contact.

We hope that we can carefully move forward to reintroducing our well-loved community activities, whilst we learn to live with the virus.

Emma Adams