Not sure? Don’t open the door.

Message sent by ECops
Rachel Carr (Police, Community Safety Officer, South Cambridgeshire)

Please be aware we have been notified by a local resident of a suspected bogus caller who visited an address in Longstanton 15 April 2016 at 11:30 hrs.

The male claimed to be from National Grid and stated he needed to look at the house holder’s meter.  The male was not wearing an official uniform, and offered no identification.  The householder explained the meter was outside in a garage.
The caller spent a few minutes in the garage and left.  The resident checked with National Grid and they did not have any staff in the area that day.
The male left in a large unmarked van and did not call at any other addresses.
The male is described as white, in his 40’s, 5 ft 10”, well built with dark hair, wearing a navy blue coat with a hood.

Always check uninvited callers, ask for I.D. and check with the organisation they claim to part of i.e. Water company, gas or electricity supplier.  Criminals will use many different cover stories to provide an excuse to enter your home such as a water leak, or gas explosion, and may pretend to be from an official organisation. Always keep the door shut until you are satisfied they are genuine, if you have any doubts contact the police.
Not sure? Don’t open the door.