No Green Bins emptied until 4th May

Changes to green bin cleaning

As you may or may not be aware, Cambridge City and South Cambs District Council have suspended green bin collections from Monday 23 March and are to return to normal on Monday 04 May.  Please see full details below:

During this period, residents are being asked to put any green waste into the black bin and if you have any symptoms of Coronavirus to please double bag any tissues / cloths or wipes to help protect the collection crews and cleaners.

Based on this information, we will transfer your cleaning to the black bin whilst the suspension is in place starting with immediate effect.  If of course you are able to empty your green bin and would like this cleaning instead then please let us know.

We understand the measures that the council have taken at this time and we are working hard to adapt to the ongoing changes. Your support allows us to continue operating, protecting our staff and ensuring that we are able to return to our normal schedules and services in due course.

I want to thank you in advance for your understanding in these difficult times.

Kind regards

Wheelie Fresh Bins

01223 277747

photo By © O’Dea at Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0,