News release: Green bin changes

Message about the return of the green bin collection from the council’s waste service

The Green bin collection will be resumed from Monday 4th May, across South Cambs District, but only on a monthly basis whilst crews are working with social distancing regulations in place.

The first expected green bin collections from Great and Little Wilbraham will be TUESDAY 12th May (taking account of the VE Bank Holiday on Friday 8th May), as on your current bin collection calendar. We hope that we will be able to stay with this date, for both blue and green bins, but please be patient with us as we work hard to re-introduce the green bin collection, whilst keeping our staff safe and well.

The next collection for both blue and green will most likely be a month later (Monday 8th June).

However, if you put your green bin out every time you put your blue bin out (fortnightly), it will also have the chance to be emptied on additional days if we have the resources. Please wait until at least 3:30pm before bringing it back in if it has not been emptied.

Please reduce green waste matter as much as you possibly can, use your compost heap, and continue to put food waste in the black bin.

Reporting missed bins: this can be done if missed on guaranteed dates.  Here is a link to the form for reporting missed bins.