News from Bottisham Medical Practice Patients’ Participation Group

Appointments: This Practice is in the top 14 of the area with one day wait appointments and 90.7% face to face appointments.  Unfortunately, from the 1st March to the 8th April there were 61 appointments where patients failed to attend.  We appreciate that there will be some circumstances beyond our patients control, but where possible, can we request that if you are unable to attend an appointment it is cancelled so another patient can utilise it.

Dispensary:  The new Dispensary Manager Sara Harnwell is now in post. Unfortunately the Practice continues to experience delays from suppliers, particularly after Bank Holidays, so your patience is requested and as always, appreciated.  We have another Bank Holiday in May, for any repeat prescriptions, please ensure prescriptions are given to the Dispensary team by 17th May, to ensure availability by 24th May.  To clarify, when we advise we need five working days, this is five full working days, the date of submission is not included.  Please also note that the Government are increasing prescription charges from £9.65 to £9.90 from the 1st May 2024.

Telephone System: Our new system is due to be installed in week commencing 22nd April.  Whilst full training is included in the package, your patience is requested as our teams will be learning whilst on the job.  The new system has many new facilities, which over time we will use to measure and where possible improve our service but one element you will notice straight away is the automatic call back facility.

Next Meeting:  Will be at 6.30pm Thursday June 27 in the Surgery waiting room. If you wish to join our meetings, please email our chairman Or speak to reception.

Bottisham Medical Practice Patients’ Participation Group