New – Local Business Listings page
You may list your business on this web page for free provided you meet one of the following criteria:
- You are a resident of Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham or Six Mile Bottom and operate a business located in either of these villages.
- You are a resident of Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham or Six Mile Bottom and operate a business located outside these villages.
- Your business is located in Great Wilbraham, Little Wilbraham or Six Mile Bottom but you do not live in either of these villages.
If you would like your business to be listed on this page, please contact Siobhan on with business name, logo, website address, email, contact name and number and a brief description of your business. It is not essential to have a logo and website and you may provide “minimum” information that allows people to contact you – for example email only.
Please note that this business listing is not an endorsement of the listed businesses by the Great Wilbraham or Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Parish councils. We are only providing a listing service for the benefit of residents.
Visit the new Local Business Listings page now.