Website Projects: Natural history and local memories

Can you contribute to two website projects?

1 ‘The Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom through the ages’

Do you have memories of the Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom in years gone by? Did you go to school and play here or nearby? Do you have photos of the villages from when you were young? Do you know anyone who does?

I would like to start a history and memory project on the website to capture your memories of these villages, and bring together old photos, maps and memorabilia from the area. By sharing these memories and photos we can document and take pride in our history.

So, I would like to talk to people who have memories of living, working, going to school and playing here. Do get in touch, as recounted oral histories, memories and anecdotes, would be charming to read and browse through.

                                 St Nicholas’ Church minus a pinnacle                   The Shepherds House , 13 Toft Lane minus an eave


2 ‘What to look out for this month, in and around the Wilbrahams

This is for local naturalists and photographers, young, and not so young.

Chris Fell regularly contributes seasonal photos for the home page of the website, which we all enjoy. I would also like to create a gallery of your photos of birds, bees and butterflies, flowers and trees to compile a record of the village natural life throughout the seasons.


Swallow. Photo Chris Fell

We could have photos from both projects scrolling across the Home Page which would add interest and beauty to the site. You could contribute just one photo or many, or indeed, one story or many.

Flag Irises from the Wilbrahams’ River Walk 2016. J.Davis


We are all encouraged to exercise more, and in a drive to encourage more health-giving walking for all residents of our villages, I encourage you to send me notes on local walks you know and love, with pictures, if possible, not only of the places you go, but the dogs and people you meet! (ask permission first!) A link to the Ordnance Survey map for this area is already available on the website, as is a number of suggested walks, both under ‘Local Information’.

As ever, and as in most things run at a local level, I need your support to run these projects, and look forward to hearing from volunteers, young or older!

Trish Davis