Multi User Games Court – Survey Results

Phase I – Proposal and Survey – February 2021

We have had a great response to our proposal for a Multi User Games Court/Area

The survey was promoted on Facebook, on the Wilbrahams website mail list and by word of mouth which resulted in a total of 121 respondents.

There were 56 responses completed by residents of Little Wilbraham, 4 from Six Mile Bottom and 61 from Great Wilbraham.

The results are published in full below, including all of the comments.

We would like to thank everybody that completed the initial scoping survey and we look forward to further discussions in relation to this proposal.

Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Parish Council.


Total Number of  Respondents was 121 with 85.9% For and 14.1% Against the proposal.

When broken down by village:

Yes No
Little Wilbraham 47 or (84%) 9 or (16%)
Six Mile Bottom 2 or (50%) 2 or (50%)
Great Wilbraham 55 or (90.2%) 6 or (9.8%)
Total 104 or (85.9%) 17 or (14.1%)


Full Survey Results

The complete data for the five questions.






























There were a total of 94 comments and these are shown below.

  1. Use also for boules
  2. Good for the villages
  3. Think it would be a really nice addition especially as there seems to be lots of children who are growing up and are going to want something after they outgrow the play equipment
  4. Fantastic idea and a great opportunity for the parish.
  5. I think it would ruin the little Wilbraham field great wilbraham is bigger
  6. Great Wilbraham more children and people
  7. People have allotments and the field is smaller than great wilbraham, this should be done in great Wilbraham more young people
  8. Excellent idea!!
  9. Would it attract drug users in the evening, may stop people walking by
  10. I think it will make the field smaller and ugly and I walk my dog over their it’s a lovely filed and it will ruin it
  11. I support it.
  12. My children and family will use it more if its great wilbraham
  13. My son loves basketball and I will feel more comfortable if it’s in great Wilbraham.
  14. Great idea
  15. I would use it a lot
  16. Lived here 30 years in little Wilbraham and I love the little Wilbraham field as it is
  17. Superb idea! Floodlights would be amazing so it could be used in the evenings
  18. This is a wonderfully idea and will mean the older children get to play the sports they enjoy without being in the park with the younger children. There are a lot of Tennis playing children and this will really help their training. My husband loves basketball and this would mean he could teach my son close to home. Amazing idea
  19. It’s a great idea, but it needs to be safe as there are some dangerous dogs that live close by, and they are sometimes escaping from the garden and going over to the play area!
  20. Excellent for younger generation
  21. Having it marked for five a side football would be good and an all weather ping pong table nearby
  22. Possibly add pétanque – I have seen it is popular elsewhere and for the less physically active
  23. Great idea! There is nothing to do for youngsters in Wilbrahams once they outgrown swings ! Thank you for surveying that.
  24. I like that it would be a multi-use site and might make the recreation area in Little Wilbraham more versatile and interesting- as the Great Wilbraham one is.
  25. I think this would be a brilliant idea because it would help young people to get outside more and not have to travel so far to have fun in sport.
  26. A good idea especially for the younger residents in the Wilbraham’s which has greatly increased over the last decade
  27. Great idea to provide facilities for all ages to keep us healthy physically and mentally.
  28. Awesome idea, finally sth for teens
  29. Finally. There is nothing in the village so this would be great
  30. I think this is going to be very costly to create and likely little used based on what I see usage of the play equipment.
  31. It would be good to have such a facility accessible to all ages and also for disabled use. I presume that would be taken into consideration. Could it also accommodate badminton (on less windy days)?
  32. Good idea to have it as a bookable resource so that people don’t make wanted journeys up from Great Wilbraham only to find the court is being used. If it is not booked, it may not be fairly used.
  33. I think the proposal is a great idea and is a facility that can only be good for the village
  34. I think it’s a great initiative
  35. I think it would be brilliant for the village
  36. A really good initiative
  37. I think it is good idea of it can give youths something to do and also for people of all ages. Sadly I am too old to be able to use it. I will stick to golf.
  38. This would be an amazing facility for older children to have something to do
  39. It would be great to have somewhere to exercise with others
  40. Great idea, hope it goes ahead
  41. Great Wilbraham is more local and convenient
  42. This proposal seems poorly thought through. With the existing playground no consideration has been given to 1. Parking, 2. Noise, 3. Changing a rural field being used for quiet walks and reflection into a sports facility. 4. The drug and alcohol abuse by young people, that has centred on the existing site. 4. Lighting; Specifically in relation to the current proposal: Tarmacing/concreting over the field. What form will the fencing be and how this will impact on the current field
  43. Great idea, valuable village hub of activity
  44. Great idea as no local facilities like this. My family would all use it.
  45. I think this is a really good idea. Although we are likely to use it ourselves, it would provide a space for older children, teenagers and others for constructive activity not available elsewhere.
  46. Sort the football pitch out
  47. This would be such a shame to the countryside setting. The tarmac and fencing would totally spoil the look of the area and really close in the open grass space. It would be much better to continue with the wildlife/ wildflower idea with seating furthest away nearest the field. If you did want activities, these would be better on grass giving a much more natual look such as grass rounders pitch or even a zip wirer on natural looking ground would be preferable to a rectangle metal box. Please do no put tarmac, metal fencing, lighting, bouncing basket balls in this lovely area. If it had to happen it may be less of an eyesore if it was to the left of the field instead of the right as when you come in by the allotments and look at the field and walk towards the path to the pub this is pretty and would be spoiled by a metal box. Multi sports are available close by at bottisham and great wilbraham larger grass area is also a better space. Pleae keep the village informed about progress. I hope it doesnt go ahead but if it does please consult the village again about exact location.
  48. I think this would be a great facility for the villages, concerns would be parking, whilst i imagine those in great Wilbraham would walk or cycle, those from six mile bottom would most likely drive. How would bookings be monitored, and would it prevent people using it. Hope it would get the use.
  49. Little Wilbraham is too small……..
  50. If you put in a basketball court,you must make sure it is a good quality and regulation size.i am one of only a few people who have used the basketball net in Great Wilbraham and buying cheap is a guaranteed way of not getting your money’s worth since it will be easily broken. Also you should taac around the basketball net otherwise it will just be a rarely used expensive basketbal.
  51. Great idea
  52. We need as many sport facilities in the Wilbrahams and Six Mile Bottom as is possible. Siting this court at Lt Wilbraham will be ideal.
  53. There are a number of children growing up in the village and access to a court would be perfect, as no transport would be required. This would be a great asset and puts active sport in the front line.
  54. Multipurpose is important I feel. But would love netball/basketball please.
  55. Great idea ! Nothing to do for youngsters if you outgrien swings. Well done your Parish Council !
  56. Excellent idea for the younger children
  57. I think this is a fantastic idea!
  58. Particularly helpful for children in Little Wilbraham to have local access to these sports without needing parents to drive to other locations.parents
  59. As a family we pay a lot of tennis so this would be amazing. We currently use other courts in villages nearby so to have something much closer would be great.
  60. I think it’s a great idea. It seems pretty pandemic proof -a great way for kids and adults to sadly get out of the house and enjoy themselves. I would definitely support this proposal
  61. Where exactly would this be on the recreation ground, hopefully not too near the properties. The noise from the current playground is bad enough. Consideration for residents would be appreciated.
  62. Excellent, much needed for all ages and would be a great asset to keep everyone healthy.
  63. Will look ugly.
  64. What a good idea. How about offering it for outdoor fitness classes when we come out of lockdown?
  65. This sounds like a great idea. We would definitely use it for both ourselves and our children. It would be wonderful to have such a facility so local to us. Of the options listed we would use the tennis most but I wonder if it could be marked out for multiple purposes?
  66. The more we have locally to keep active in such a rural secluded area the better
  67. Seems a good amenity. Too disabled myself but would be great for many villagers.
  68. Good idea!!
  69. Always good to have more facilities for sport
  70. Good idea
  71. Being bookable would prohibit use
  72. Always a good idea to encourage recreation
  73. What a brilliant idea- I have tried to access the tennis court in lode but you have to be a resident to get the key from the post office- I have managed to be lucky and use it a couple of times when it was left open- we love itget the key
  74. Little Wilbraham play area can be quite scary especially after dark, because it is quite remote from the village. Would there be anywhere more open/connected to the village where the court could be built; for example the field opposite the Hole in the Wall?
  75. Great Idea
  76. The world needs more tennis courts!
  77. I think it’s a great idea as long as the booking system is online and easy to access.
  78. It would be great to bring something new to the villages, especially something that encourages people to get out and exercise
  79. I think this is an excellent idea. The area can be used fir any number of sports, including 5-a-side football, so there is something for every age group. It would also bring Little Wilbraham and Great Wilbraham closer together as we share their ameities(Memorial Hall & Playground) and it would be great yo offer something in return. I think it would be very well used.
  80. Great idea and I fully support it.
  81. How awful to put tarmac on the lovely openspace in the small village what a shame it should be in Great Wilbraham so all the leisure facilities are together with good parking and the social club
  82. Excellent- would be super to have a loca tennis court and would bring the villages together too- I envisage tournaments! Bell ringers v gardners club!
  83. I’d rather play football on a court but also have seating in a corner
  84. This is truly an excellent idea and will be a great assett/addition to the villages. I have always thought a local tennins court would be wonderful. Great use of the space too.
  85. sounds a very good idea
  86. When my boys were growing up in the village they would have loved to have such a facility .
  87. Great Wilbraham will be better
  88. Little Wilbraham is perfect as it is. If this should go ahead great wilbraham will be better I use the allotment and its so quiet it will ruin the atmosphere
  89. I would prefer it in great Wilbraham
  90. Great Wilbraham will be better as my son likes football and my daughter likes netball so I can keep an eye of both children right near by
  91. My husband plays cricket and my daughter gets bored so it will benefit other people as other sports go on
  92. What it cost money
  93. Will look ugly
  94. Great idea which I fully support