Message from the GWPC communications team.

It has come to our attention that many residents in Great Wilbraham struggle with a poor mobile phone signal. The communications team have investigated different ways of improving signal provision to our area.

The cost of upgrading services in our location with a relatively small population is not commercially appealing.

In the long term we want service providers to improve the infrastructure and reception for all mobile devices in the village, which will form part of the forward thinking Community Plan initiative

However, in the short term, we wanted to provide some advice for anyone considering a new mobile phone contract. Mobile signals vary from area to area within the village, but this analysis tool from Ofcom allows people to check the signal strength of each provider, based on their exact location.

We hope that after using the Ofcom checker, people will be better informed about the best option for them.


The comms team are looking for a small group of volunteers with an interest in telecoms and improving infrastructure to support with further research and recommendations. This would be a time limited project that enables those that want to contribute to village life with limited spare time and an interest in this area, to have the opportunity to do so.

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