Mental Health First Aid Course running in Great Wilbraham in April. Male volunteers needed

Mental Health First Aid Course running in Great Wilbraham in April.

I in 4 people have a mental health problem at any one time, and not surprisingly it tends to be women that talk to their friends about it, and visit the GP, or get other professional help. This leaves many men quietly suffering and blaming themselves, thinking that they’re ‘weak’ ‘not coping’ and they ‘should be able to manage’.

Many men don’t recognise the signs of a mental health problem developing, so they don’t talk to their friends/workmates about this; neither do they recognise when one of them is becoming ill. It may surprise you to know that over 6,000 people commit suicide each year, (road deaths are just over 2,000 to put this in context), many of these are men and young men. This is preventable!!

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a 2 day internationally recognised course which employers are increasingly recognising as being an important qualification, and communities are benefiting.

The course is at The Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall in Great Wilbraham, on the 17th and 24th April, 10.00 to 16.00hrs

We are asking for volunteers to sign up for the course. Currently we have women signed up (which is great), but no men-and we need men so other men can relate to them. There are no qualifications needed or previous experience, no exams or tests, we simply want people who have an interest in mental health. Participants will receive an internationally recognised certificate. There are no costs for the volunteers, (to attend a course usually costs £150 per person). What we ask is that you allow your name to go on the GW website as having attended the course so villagers/friends who may want to talk about mental health issues can see you as a resource to approach.

MHFA does not turn anyone into a therapist. The aims are the same as a physical first aid course- to prevent deterioration of any injury or illness; to promote healing and recovery; to provide comfort to the ill or injured.

If you’re interested please contact me; 01223 880 415


In summary:

Have you ever felt that you wouldn’t know what to do if someone you knew became depressed, or had a panic attack?

This 2 day course is designed to help you recognise when/if someone has mental health problems, and to give immediate aid until professional help is available. This course aims to inform participants and reduce the stigma and discrimination around mental health issues.

At the end of the course you get an internationally recognised certificate.

MHFA Course Aims:

  1. To preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others
  2. To provide help to prevent the mental health problem developing into a more serious state.
  3. To promote the delivery of good mental health
  4. To provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem
  5. To raise awareness of mental health issues in the community.